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jeff - December 13th, 2004 3:39 PM

what are the top 10 places in europe to buy real estate?

Brea - December 9th, 2004 8:34 PM

Buyers agents are often good to have in terms of negotiations and helping you search for the right home, but I suppose you could do this yourself if you had the time.

[email protected] - December 14th, 2004 6:20 AM

Someone better play a hand in the contracts
Make sure the terms are to your liking unless you have a lawyer either way you don't want to loose your shirt and have buyer's remorse

Fred - December 16th, 2004 4:05 AM

Once you buy a new house, over market value, in an area that is changing zoning codes in the next 90 days, next to a future dance club with loud music and crazy driving...then you will understand the advantages.--OR--The first time you miss a critical deadline in your Agreement to Purchase Contract and you loose the monies in escrow (typically 3% of the purchase price) and the seller decides to sell the house to someone else...then you will understand the advantage.These two fairly educated prospects did and have decided to use a Realtor from now on. Good Luck!


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